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Former Social Housing, Catrine

Social Housing, Catrine


East Ayrshire Council


9-15 Somerville Street, Catrin


8th June 201


3 Weeks






Circa £20,000


East Ayrshire is a diverse area with diverse communities that wish to create an environment in which the services they provide and their workplace is free from unfair discrimination and where human rights principles are upheld.

The project comprised the demolition of 1 four-in-a-block two storey properties comprising 4 units at 9 -15 - 24 Somerville Street, Catrine, East Ayrshire, grubbing out of all foundations and redundant below and above ground services, removal of materials arising off-site to a suitably licensed tip and soiling and turfing areas disturbed.

Significant hazards included; unintentional collapse of existing buildings, contact with heavy plant, striking buried services, working adjacent to occupied residential properties and footpaths.


  • Soft strip services, fixtures, fittings and non-load bearing structures to facilitate more efficient waste processing.
  • Demolish building down to the underside of the ground floor slabs, grubbing up all foundations to 1m in depth.
  • Backfill and compact with selected demolition materials foundation areas previously demolished.
  • Remove all surplus demolition materials, rubbish and soft strip materials arising to a licensed waste transfer facility.
  • Level ground for soiling and turfing. Final level of ground to be level with 
adjacent ground levels. 

  • Existing kerbing to be realigned and sections replaced as necessary if damaged 
during the works.

  • Leave site level, clean and tidy on completion.


Adequate DANGER/DEMOLITION warning signage displayed around the site attached to the existing perimeter fencing. Site access/loading point/exit established on Somerville Street.

The site accommodation and facilities established by George Beattie & Sons Ltd prior to the commencement of any downtakings.

The status of the disconnection of services was determined before the start of the works, and isolation certificates retained in the site file.

Health and Safety issues were monitored on site on a daily/weekly basis by site supervisor/manager. Safety issues were monitored by means of site periodic inspections and site audits with all site personnel being given regular toolbox talks. Regular time out safety meetings were held on site to inform personnel of any changes or updates to site rules, risk assessments, method statements etc.

Dust and noise were monitored on a regular basis and when necessary a Dust Boss water suppression unit was used to reduce the dust levels to an acceptable level.

Noise barriers were used as necessary when noise levels were too high, this helped control the noise levels to below action level of 85 decibels.

Transported to site sufficient sections of temporary fencing in order to effectively enclose the single block scheduled for demolition creating a designated working zone.  A designated site access/debris loading point within the fencing was formed and steps taken to ensure it remained closed when the demolition was in progress. DANGER/DEMOLITION warning signage was attached to the fencing. 

Similarly transported to site a compliant self contained welfare unit suitable for the maximum number of operatives required to execute the works. The unit was a towable groundhog type unit that was located within the fencing barrier capable of being moved within the site to facilitate the works. 

Checked the single block to be demolished to ensure all services had been fully disconnected and that no hazardous materials were present. We checked each house within the block for any sign of drug paraphernalia and any discarded needles found were removed/disposed of same under controlled circumstances.

Lettered adjacent occupants advising of our appointment and duration of the works. 

Transported to site general waste skip and deposited within the site boundary. Executed limited soft strip operation to the block removing any accumulated debris including removal of any residual furniture/doors etc by hand into the skip provided.

Liaised with East Ayrshires Contract Administrator in order to effect the removal of existing window and door shutters to the building. 

On completion of the soft strip, transported to site a 30t tracked demolition rig and its various attachments. This machine was carefully offloaded onto Somerville Street and tracked into the site boundary with banksmen in attendance. This operation was carried out at a time when vehicle/pedestrian traffic was at a minimum.

The machine was located adjacent to the initial exposed gable fitted; with its grab attachment commenced the dismantling of the tiled roof structure. The machine effectively pulled apart the existing metal roof trusses allowing debris to fall into the void below. It moved through the block demolishing external walls, internal partitions and floors whilst retaining all resultant debris within the existing building footprint. The machine continued to work through the block in a controlled systematic fashion until the block had been reduced to ground level in its entirety.

The selector grab was then attached to the 30t tracked demolition rig, which will effectively segregated the resultant debris. The machine separated materials into distinct stockpiles to enable timber, metal, masonry and active waste to be removed from site. Timber debris was remove to a Waste Transfer Station for recycling whilst masonry debris was removed from site for crushing and reuse. Active waste was removed to landfill. 

Removing manholes, redundant drain runs etc was the penultimate element of our works followed by removing trees etc prior to importing topsoil, leveling the site and finally laying turf to the area concerned. 

All temporary fencing, welfare facilities, plant and equipment were removed from site. 

Thereafter the site was handed over to East Ayrshires Contract Administrator.


The properties did not contained high volumes of reclaimable building materials however we processed demolished concrete and brick to 6F2 infill material and sold to the construction industry.  As this site was adjacent to other residential properties, dust and vibration suppression was of paramount importance and measures were installed to ensure levels were kept to an acceptable level – intermittent monitoring was carried out to ensure this.



Professional memberships Demolition Contractors Association Accredited Site Audit Scheme - National Federation of Demolition Contractors Constructonline TUV ISO 9001, iSO 14001, BS OHSAS18001 Scottish Building Federation National Demolition Training Group (NDTG) Scottish Plant Owners Association (SPAO) Considerate Constructors Scheme Safecontractor Approved