Rail Bridge Forth Road Crossing
Forth Crossing Bridge Constructors on behalf of Transport Scotland
M9 Motorway, North of Forth Road Bridge
Removal of bridge deck, The works will be completed over 4 days with the offline works to process and crush the material to 6f2 specification taking 2 days. All scrap removed off site for recycle and all crush stockpiled for reuse on site.
Day 1
Induction for all personnel by main contractor
Full task briefing by George Beattie & Sons Ltd
Pre-start checks on all plant & equipment
Installation of track protection
Positioned all plant around the work site (as per site plan)
Day 2
Removed road makeup from arch
Saw cut adjoining deck
Removal of parapets
Day 3
Removed bridge arch
Loaded materials by mini excavator
Day 4
Removed remaining rubble
Removed track protection
Day 5/6
Crushed material to 6f2
Loaded scrap to transport
Loaded all plant and materials from site
Circa £65,000 including credits
Once full traffic management was in place accessed work site and set up crane, lifted terram, timbers, sleeper mats down on to track and placed over rails
With track protection in place de-rigged crane and removed from site. Accessed site with 2no. 30t demolition rigs, placed each side of bridge deck.
By excavator removed road makeup from top of bridge arch, placed material in stock pile.
By excavators fitted with pulveriser reduced parapets down to top of arch.
With top of arch exposed saw cut slab next to bridge to be retained.
By excavators fitted with hammers proceeded to break arch working from open end, removed in 300mm strips across entire arch allowed material to fall onto protection bellow.
With arch removed withdrew demolition rigs from side of buttresses and accessed site with mobile crane and rubble skip, set up adjacent to bridge, lowered skip onto protection mat and by mini loaded rubble to skip and raised and emptied on to stock pile. Repeated to mats are cleared. Inspected top of buttresses to ensure no lose material were present.
By demolition rig fitted with pulveriser processed material to suitable size for crusher, loaded rebar to transport and hauled off site for recycling.
Accessed site with mobile crusher and located and set up next to stock pile, by excavator loaded rubble to hopper and processed to 6f2 specification and placed in stockpile.
Carried out full inspection of work site to ensure works were completed to client’s satisfaction.