Pedestrian Footbridge, M8 Motorway, Hillington, Glasgow
Graham Construction
M8 Motorway
14 July 2015
1 Night Shift [10 Hour Possession] for demolition/dismantling, with remaining works carried out normal working hours.
Circa £50,000
Removal of footbridge decks by crane onto transport, haul off site
Hammer concrete column at base and lift to transport
Reduce base to 300 below ground level
Remove access stairs from ramp, both sides of bridge
Identified all known services, service lines near to the works and status of services and recorded in the Health & Safety File.
Client disconnected services and identified disconnection points prior to demolition.
Accepted service disconnection proof from relevant services companies and incorporated in Health & Safety Plan.
Inspected site for hazardous, contaminated or other materials found and reported findings to CDM Coordinator.
Proof given of Insurance to CDM Co-ordinator.
With full traffic management is in place, accessed both carriageways with cranes, protection, excavators, loaders and proceeded to set up as per lift plan
Accessed top of bridge with Brokk, fitted with hammer, and working from east bound side, working back across deck, broke slab at section ends to free for lifting and formed holes for chain placement
Accessed top of bridge deck and working under harness, cut handrails into section and folded back onto deck. Cut fixing bolts to ramp section and bridge sections to allow for lifting.
Positioned blocks of both cranes over lifts 1/2 lower chains and attached to lifts as per lift plan, took the strain, ensured lift free to raise from bridge.
By use of two way radios, proceeded with 1st lift, lowered to trombone trailer and hauled off site. Repeated for all other decks
With decks removed, positioned tracked demolition rigs adjacent to columns and formed hole through concrete column. Positioned blocks over columns and attached chains and took strain
By tracked demolition rigs , broke along the bottom of columns to expose rebar.
With all rebar exposed, hot cut column free and loaded to transporter, hauled off site for recycling. Repeated for all columns
With columns removed, de-rigged and removed cranes from site
By tracked demolition rigs , reduced base of column to 300mm below ground level and excavated material from base
Manually hot cut steel flush and removed from excavation.
By low loader, removed all plant and material from motorway. Re-installed barriers and re-opened motorway to traffic.
By tracked demolition rigs located at bottom of stairway both sides, grubbed up stairs and hard standing, loaded to transport and hauled off site for recycling.
By tracked demolition rigs, infilled all voids and graded area of stair removal
Obtained Client approval to work completion